Transaction model

The NFTGo API returns transaction data in a standard format.

eventstringTransaction type: "sale", "transfer", "mint", "burn", or "all"
blockchainstringBlockchain (e.g., ETH)
tx_hashstringTransaction Hash
senderobjectSender of the transaction.
It includes the following sub-fields:
- address: string
- ens: string
nftNFTMetadata of the NFT involved in this transaction
quantityintegerQuantity of NFTs involved in the transaction
gas_feePriceThe gas fee of transaction
pricePriceValue of the NFT transaction. May be None if the transcation is a transfer (send/receive), mint or burn
timeintegerTimestamp of the transaction in seconds
receiverobjectThe receiver of transaction.
It includes the following sub-fields:
- address: string
- ens: string