Cancel Orders (Listings & Offers)

For Dapp Developers

Cancel Listings

In case your users want to cancel the listings before the listings expire, you will need to design a listing management page for them.

1. Initialize the GoTrading Instance with configuration as you boot up your server-end.

// Server-end code

// Init sdk client
import Web3 from 'web3';
import { init } from '@nftgo/gotrading';

// Create a new Web3 Provider to interact with the Ethereum network.
const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('') //Replace with your own provider

// Configure the necessary parameters for the Trade Aggregator API client.
const configs = {
    apiKey: "YOUR-API-KEY", // Replace with your own API Key.
    web3Provider: provider,
    walletConfig: {
        address: "Your wallet address",
        privateKey: "Your private key"
    }, // Replace with your wallet info.

const goTrading = init(configs);

2. User views his/her active listings on your Dapp

In this page, your client-end should invoke your server-end API to fetch the user's listings. Your server-end can use the GoTrading.orderFetcher.getOrdersByMaker method to get this user's listings.

// Server-end code 
import { OrderType } from '@nftgo/gotrading';

const { listingDTOs } = goTrading.orderFetcher.getOrdersByMaker({
    maker: 'xxx', // pass in the user's wallet address
    orderType: OrderType.Listing,

return listingDTOs;

Your server-end needs to ensure that the orderId of the listing is returned to the client-end, as this parameter is necessary for the cancellation step.

3. The user chooses the listings he/she wants to cancel

After the user clicks the button Cancel Listings, your client-end should pass the corresponding orderIds to your server-end to get the corresponding actions in order to let the user cancel the orders.

// Server-end code
import { OrderType } from '@nftgo/gotrading';

const orderIds = ['xxx', 'yyy']; // client-end passed in orderIds
const ordersToCancel = => {
    return {
        orderId: orderId,
        orderType: OrderType.Listing,

const callerAddress = '0xefasfda'; // client-end passed in user address

const { actions } = goTrading.aggregator.cancelOrders({
    callerAddress: callerAddress, 
    orders: ordersToCancel,

return actions;

Complete Sequence Diagram