Market Metrics

1 Basic Metrics

MetricsChange RateDescription
Market CapThe sum of market capitalization of all collections listed on NFTGo

Check how NFTGo calculates NFT collection market cap here
ΔMarketCapIt reflects the change rate in market cap, for example:

ΔMarketCap(24H) = (the current market cap - marketCap at the corresponding time before 24H)/marketCap at the corresponding time before 24H * 100%
VolumeThe total volume of NFT sales across all collections listed on NFTGo over the selected time range

Suspected wash trades have been filtered out
SalesThe number of sales in the marketplace over the selected time range

Suspected wash trades have been filtered out
HoldersThe total number of unique NFT holders across all collections listed on NFTGo

We treat each ERC1155 token ID as one NFT
TradersThe number of unique addresses bought or sold at least one NFT over the selected time range in the marketplace

Suspected wash trades have been filtered out
BuyersThe number of unique addresses bought at least one NFT over the selected time range

Suspected wash trades have been filtered out
SellersThe number of unique addresses sold at least one NFT over the selected time range

Suspected wash trades have been filtered out
WhalesA list of addresses with at least $1,000,000 worth of NFTs in their wallets.
Category Market CapThe market capitalization of different categories

Suspected wash trades have been filtered out
Category LiquidityCategory Liquidity = ∑(The liquidity of each collection in the category * The number of sales of each collection) / The total number of sales for all collections in the category

Suspected wash trades have been filtered out
Category VolumeThe total volume of different categories over the selected time range

Suspected wash trades have been filtered out
Marketplace Fee RateThe transaction fee rate of the marketplace

2 Advanced Metrics

Analytics/Market OverviewMarket SentimentThe Market Sentiment Index (experimental) is calculated based on the volatility, trading volume, social media, and google trends. The score is updated every hour
BarometerThe overall popularity of the NFT market reflected by different indicators
30 Day Profit & Loss30 Day Profit & Loss = unrealized profit + 30-days realized profit

The number of unique addresses with 30 day profit more than 1 ETH or losses more than 1ETH

30D Profit & Loss means the sum of realized profit made from sales over the past 30 days and estimated unrealized profit of NFTs held by each address

Suspected wash trades have been filtered out
Analytics/LeaderboardPnLProfit and loss is the sum of the profit made from sales and the estimated profit of NFTs held by the address.

The profit made from sales:
For ERC721, Profit made from each transaction = Selling price - Cost
For ERC1155, Profit made from each transaction = (Selling price - Cost) _ The number of sales

The estimated profit of NFTs held:
For ERC721, Each NFT profit = The estimated price of the NFT - Cost
For ERC1155, Each NFT profit = (The estimated price of the NFT - Cost) _ the number of this token ID held