Enable Buy, List, and Offer

This guide will enable you to build trading functions using the NFTGo API.

About the trading function

The trading function is the most important function in a marketplace, including offer, list, buy, sweep, instant sell, and cancel action.


  • Kindly take some time to grasp the core concepts of business, it's vital to the integration.
  • Your API Key is prepared, make sure you have access to the endpoints. Get your API key here.

Best Practice

Bulk Offer

Using this API [Create Offers] to generate different types of NFT offers and submit them across multiple NFT marketplaces.

  • To create token offer(make an offer for a specific NFT), use the 'token' query parameter. The image below shows a making token offer pop-up.

  • To create collection offer(make an offer for any NFT under the collection), use the 'collection' query parameter. The image below shows a making collection offer pop-up.

  • To create trait offer(make an offer for any NFT with specific traits), use the 'collection', 'attribute_key', 'attribute_value' query parameters. The image below shows a making trait offer pop-up.

Bulk Listing

Using this API [Create Listings] to generate NFT listings and submit them across multiple NFT marketplaces. The image below shows a bulk listing interface.

Cancel list & offer order

Using this API [Cancel Orders] to cancel listings & offer orders.

Buy / Sweep

Using this API [Fulfill Listings] to build buy and sweep functions. The image below shows buy and sweep pop-up.

Instant sell

Using this API [Fulfill Offers] to build sell functions. The image below shows an instant sell pop-up.