JUMP TO👋 INTRODUCTIONOverviewQuickstartCompute UnitsSupported Chains📚 TUTORIALSHow to filter out wash trades?How to get the rarity and traits of an NFT?How to compress image file?FAQ🎯 MODELSNFT modelCollection modelMarketplace modelTransaction modelRarity modelPrice modelFee modelNFT Trait modelCollection Trait modelPaymentToken modelWebhook Model🌟 NFT DATANFTGet NFT by Token IDgetGet NFTs by Token IDspostGet NFTs by collectiongetGet NFTs by ownergetGet NFTs by ownerspostGet metrics by NFTgetGet NFTs by namegetGet rarity by NFTgetGet rarity by NFTsgetCollectionGet contracts by ownergetGet collections by ownergetGet metrics by collectiongetGet collections by ownerspostGet metrics by collectionspostGet collection by namegetGet collection by contractgetGet collection by opensea sluggetGet collections by collectionspostGet floor price by collectiongetGet traits with stats by collectiongetGet traits with stats by collectionspostGet supported info by collectiongetAddressGet whalesgetGet metrics by addressgetGet related addressesgetGet holder(s) by NFTgetGet holders by collectiongetGet holders by contractgetGet holder addresses by collectiongetGet created listings of an addressgetGet related info of created listingsgetGet created offers of an addressgetGet related info of created offersgetGet received offers of an addressgetGet related info of received offersgetTransaction HistoryGet collection transaction historygetGet chain transaction historygetGet NFT Transaction historygetGet address transaction historygetMarket&RankingGet metrics of global marketgetGet collection rankinggetGet top sales rankinggetGet NFT profit rankinggetGet top mints rankinggetGet marketplace rankinggetGet top sales by collectiongetRoyaltyGet royalty by NFTgetGet royalty by collectiongetGet royalty by addressgetGet royalty chart by contractgetGet marketplace royalty distribution by contractgetGet royalty expenses by addresspostGet royalty payers by contractgetMetadataRefresh NFT metadatapost📈 CHARTCollectionGet holder amount distribution by collectiongetGet traders chart by collectiongetGet holder trends chart by collectiongetGet holder period distribution by collectiongetGet average price chart by collectiongetGet volume chart of a collectiongetGet floor depth chart by collectiongetGet floor price chart by collectiongetGet listing chart by collectiongetGet floor price OHLC chart by collectiongetGet sales chart by contractgetMarketGet chart of market capitalizationgetGet volume chart of marketgetGet chart of market capitalization by collectionget🤝 NFT TRADINGGoTrading OverviewCore ConceptsTech ArchitectureTutorialsBuild a Trading AggregatorBuild a MarketplaceBuild a Gallery pageBuild a NFT detailed pageEnable Buy, List, and OfferBuild a Profile PageBuild a Trading botOrder Data APIGet Orders By ContractpostGet Orders By IdspostGet Received Best Offers By WalletpostGet Orders By Order HashespostGet Orders By MakerpostGet Orders By NFTpostBatch Get NFT Best ListingpostGet Offers Feed By NFTpostTrading APICreate ListingspostCreate OfferspostFulfill ListingspostFulfill OfferspostCancel OrderspostPost OrderpostCheck Post Order ResultspostUtils APIGet Blur Auth ChallengepostGet Collected Order BookspostGet Collection Trading ConfigurationpostGet Offer Acceptable TimegetGet Blur AuthpostGoTrading SDK⚖️ NFT VALUATIONSGoPricing OverviewAlgorithm PrincipleEvaluation MethodPerformance MonitorUse CasesGopricing APIGet estimated pricegetGet estimated price(bulk)postGet trait weights by collectiongetStandford Blockchain ReviewDiscuss on Ethereum ResearchnotifyNotify TutorialsVerify WebhookNotify APIList notifygetUpdate notifyputCreate notifypostDelete notifydeleteDEALERGenerate Dealer KeypostGet Orders By NFTpost https://data-api.nftgo.io/orderbook/v1/orders/get-orders-by-nftQuery the orders by NFT