Collection Metrics
Metrics | Change Rate | Description |
Market Cap | ERC721 collections: Market Cap = the sum of all NFT estimated values of the collection ERC1155 collections: Market Cap = ∑(each NFT estimated value * the number of unique owners) Why we calculate ERC1155 collections in this way? NFT estimated value: 1. For high-liquidity collections: NFT estimated value = max(floor price, collection 7D median Price) 2. For low-liquidity collections: NFT estimated value = floor price 3. For collections whose volume is 0 in the last 7 days or with few holders: NFT estimated value = min(floor price, last price of this NFT item) Suspected wash trades have been filtered out | |
ΔMarket Cap | It reflects the change rate in the market cap of this collection | |
Volume | Total volume of NFT sales of the collection over the selected time range Suspected wash trades have been filtered out | |
ΔVolume | The comparison of the volume in the current time range and the volume in the previous corresponding time range | |
Floor Price | The floor price is the lowest-priced item for sale in a particular collection | |
ΔFloor Price | It reflects the change rate in the floor price of this collection. | |
Floor Depth | The breakdown of unique listings with the best price from notable marketplaces. | |
Avg Price | The average price of sales over the selected time range. Average price = sum of all NFT sales values / the number of sales ERC1155: Unit price = transaction price/quantity Average price = unit price/sales quantity Suspected wash trades have been filtered out | |
ΔAvg Price | The comparison of the current average price and the average price of the previous corresponding time range | |
Sales | The number of transactions to buy or sell the NFTs of the collection over the selected time range Suspected wash trades have been filtered out | |
ΔSales | The comparison of the number of current transactions and the number of transactions in the previous corresponding time range | |
Normal Sales | The number of buy or sell activities non-whale addresses made in the collection over the selected time range | |
Whale Sales | The number of buy or sell activities whales made in the collection over the selected time range | |
Whales | The number of addresses with at least $1,000,000 worth of NFTs and one NFT of this collection in their wallet | |
Holder Trends | The trends of holders, whales and Blue Chip holders of the collection over the selected time range | |
Holders | The number of unique addresses that hold at least one NFT of the collection currently | |
Holding Period | Length of time held by the current holder | |
Traders | The number of unique addresses that have bought or sold NFTs at least once in the collection in the selected timeframe Suspected wash trades have been filtered out | |
Buyers | The number of unique addresses that bought NFTs at least once in the collection in the selected timeframe Suspected wash trades have been filtered out | |
Sellers | The number of unique addresses that sold NFTs at least once in the collection in the selected timeframe Suspected wash trades have been filtered out | |
Transfers | The number of transactions to send or receive the NFTs of the collection over the selected time range. | |
ΔTransfers | The comparison of the number of transfers in current time range and the number of transfers in the previous corresponding time range. | |
Liquidity | The liquidity rate measures the relative liquidity of this collection. Liquidity = Sales / The number of NFTs * 100% For ERC1155: - Token ID Liquidity = The number of sales of the token ID / The number of the token ID issued - Collection Liquidity = ∑ The number of sales of the token ID / The number of all token IDs issued | |
Listed | The percentage of collection listings in real-time Listed = Current listings / Collection supply | |
Listed at Floor (~15%) | The percentage of listings within 15% of the floor price, which reflects the holders' intention to sell. Listed at floor(~15%) = Listings within 15% of the floor price / Collection Supply | |
Listing & Sales Ratio | Percent of sale number in specific time range. This is used to check the power of buyers and sellers Listing & Sales Ratio = (Number of Sales / Number of Listings) x 100% High: >80% Moderate: 50% - 80% Low: 0%-50% |
Updated almost 2 years ago